OG About Text

Ref.: https://www.off-grid.nz/about/

We do all about solar from consulting, components sale to full installations. Thereby we have an unique supply chain and developed our own products beside normal shelf items. OG is a rising star in New Zealand’s alternative energy market and has assumed a leading position in the importation of high quality batteries and electronic components. Based in Christchurch, OG’s latest innovative venture is the development of portable “off-grid” systems that is modular designed to power from Tiny Homes to full off-grid dwellings.

I am Christoph, the founder and innovator behind OG Smart Systems LTD and have a professional background in the aerospace industry. Before settling in New Zealand, Christoph provided engineering solutions and project management services for large businesses at the front end of the technology curve (e.g. Airbus, Boeing and UTC).

Christoph is passionate about revolutionising the energy sector by making it sustainable and affordable. “Despite the fascination of that industry”, he says “I decided that working for the aerospace sector was increasing the footprint of mankind rather than solving the more pressing problems of our times. Big things start small. The potential for technological revolution may look somewhat weird at the beginning and it will require passion and leadership to bring about change.”

We want to change the way we think of energy. We have developed concepts and practical solutions that solve the power distribution problem. The proposed ground-breaking new approach will both maximise energy efficiency but also to make it significantly more accessible and affordable.”

The Internet of Energy (IoE)” is gathering momentum as the leaders in their field progressively demonstrate its feasibility and application in practice. IoE describes a networked system of smart energy infrastructure components across generation units, loads, storage, energy meters, and automated distribution equipment. The aim of IoE is to collect, organise and make the information from individual grid-edge devices across the network available to all other grid management participants simply and quickly. “IoE is not just ‘smart-grid’ implementation. ‘Off-grid’ solutions like ours can become a node of IoE and that is because we are deploying battery and electronic component technology that fits.” The first step into that future is already real – the OG Smart Relay Module (SRM). This module is in-itself a product and reads the systems telemetric becoming the central control unit between the system and the outside world. It is capable to calculate all required parameters and codify the IoE, 

Based in Christchurch we provide energy consultancy, high quality and affordable off-grid and hybrid systems solutions. We can also work with communities to develop battery based grid fluctuation buffering technology. We are taking a bold new step and can offer the potential merger of energy generation with home automation on a community scale. This is, more than about delivering power within a distributed electricity network. It is about helping communities manage their energy usage. We can help keep the power where it is needed rather than selling it back to the grid at miserly prices or letting it go to waste.

We keep your investment in “off-grid” solutions affordable, sourcing our system components world-wide directly from the factory and bundling orders to large batches. We have recently achieved a significant milestone on our mission to make a difference.

We are currently (December 2021) the largest importer of Narada lead-carbon batteries in New Zealand and can provide you with the lowest price in the market. Don’t believe so? – Just send a request for quotation to OG Smart Systems <info@off-grid.nz>. Installer Enquiries are welcome and wholesaler volume discounts may apply.

We are a one-stop-shop that provides complete turn-key solutions for your “off-grid” power requirements. We work with certified electricians and welcome new innovative ideas to improve individual solutions. Working off standard solution templates and each system is engineered and customised to order.

You get more for your dollar when you purchase our exclusive solutions. We have the rarely available, advanced professional skills required to optimise this new breed of off-grid system technology {Note to Christoph- the sort of guarantee statement you were making, could lead to unwanted interest by the Commerce Commission and I don’t think it’s necessary. The exclusivity claim is always fraught with danger in an ever changing technology field. By making the exclusivity an issue of expertise rather than product you can avoid unnecessary time consuming challenges from any quarter}

We have developed complete “off-grid” systems of widely varying size and configuration. We integrate components from different manufacturers to take advantage of their specific features and strengths in a system. We bring you intelligent surplus power control systems that can be either used internally or exported. 

Our growing business relationship with Narada batteries provides the basis for our current robust energy storage solutions at an affordable price point. Narada manufactures high quality lead-carbon batteries with a service life of up to 25 years.

If you are thinking about going “off-grid”, please get in touch with us today. This might be from help to understand the basics of off-grid living: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1ZyZNRYezA