With the raise of renewable energy, the world tumbles towards lithium batteries and overlooks other choices for stationary applications. Lithium is surely the best for mobile market but we think inferior in terms of safety, sensitivity and cycle durability.

We believe that the core technology for  small to mid-size energy storage systems are pocket plate alkalic batteries. This is due to the fact that this battery gradually becomes a hydrogen generator once fully charged. We are working on an internal splitting of hydrogen and oxygen and collecting systems for the pure gases. The chemistry is not based on lead/sulphur acid – it is a hydroxide ion commuting between Nickel on one side and a metal on the other. Opposed to Lithium or Lead-acid batteries, there is no chemical degradation effects seen in that reactions. The challenge here is less to make it work, the challenge is to build a design that last. Last is that the dendrites that builds up shall break internally and renewing the electrodes in a perfect recycling process.  Most attempts to produce a good battery for reasonable low price have failed in the past, either due to low electrical performance values or mechanical failures. About USD50mill has been invested over 10 years to eradicate all difficulties. Engineers and scientists from top universities in conjunction with experienced battery producers achieved this revolutionary design that works and last. This battery is the best ever for reasonable prices.

Before this revolution, the best pocket plate alkalic batteries have been produced from 1930-1970 in the USA and till 1989 in Germany/East with the downside of maybe 60% efficiency but almost infinitive service life. There was no market for batteries that are designed to last nearly forever, the production has faded out and the knowledge has been lost. Our new design has not just gained former levels – we have further erased the shortfalls of this technology and even improved its advantages. The new development is available now and only to be sourced from OG Smart Systems LTD. This battery can be fully used and likes to run in a big cycle window, unlike lead and lithium. This is a different challenge in technology to be used and OG Smart Systems has here the components that allow a 100% usage of the capacity.  Only OG Smart Systems LTD is able to provide a full optimised solution. This battery will be your heritage not only for your children but also for your grandchildren!



Advantages are:

  • Electrical indestructible: no overcharge damage or deep cycle damage
  • High discharge and charge acceptance : 1h from 0% to 75% with acceptable efficiency
  • Temperature stable: from minus 50°C to plus 60°C
  • Exceeds all other service life expectations with 10.000cycles at 100% DoD and still 60% capacity remaining
  • Maintenance: repairable, cell wise replaceable, battery bank extendable
  • Intrinsically safe: The water based electrolyte is inherent inflammable such as Lithium batteries – no BMS required
  • Weight advantage compared to lead-carbon batteries with about 30kg/kWh
  • Good recycle ability
  • Good environmental footprint: No lead, cadmium, lithium but Nickel and Cobalt, such as e.g. Tesla batteries. The ultra long life time is not only the best economical but also environmental argument.
  • Price: NZD1000/kWh



But this are just the advantages on the surface. In reality, this battery comes with more nice features that makes you love it when you recognise the advantages.

  • The gas is pure oxygen and hydrogen and therefore untoxic, unlike lead acid batteries, which also emits sulphur gases. That makes the recombination system (if applied) work with no degradation.
  • This battery is self balancing, which implies certain advantages. You can change individual cells with no negative effect on the other cells in the system. You are free to increase or decrease the battery capacity at any point in time.
  • The no-overcharge ability makes it under certain adjustments possible to skip the charge controller.
  • This battery comes with an internal auto-re-watering system with only one vessel to look at. The gases are collected and can be ejected somewhere safe or recombined to create a maintenance free solution.